Brand Spirit
"Innovation, service, integrity and giving back to society" are the four core business values at Shin Kong.
Company founder Mr. Wu Ho-Su firmly believed that, "Sticking to the status quo means falling behind: R&D is the only way forward." In this spirit, Shin Kong has grown through constant innovation, kept attuned to environmental trends, and continuously formulated business plans to tap opportunity and seize first-to-market advantages.
Shin Kong is committed to continuously enhancing customer service and improving client satisfaction and service quality. The group maintains a comprehensive service network with branches throughout Taiwan and a toll-free customer service line to meet customer needs 365 days a year.
The good will and reputation embodied by the Shin Kong name is built on a commitment to customers and dedication to the spirit of "honesty, integrity, and trust." The group tangibly realizes the principle of "integrity" in its drive to create value for customers and employees.
Giving Back
Giving back to society is a corporate responsibility and a guiding mission at Shin Kong. To this end, Shin Kong has established several public service foundations and is an active supporter of philanthropic causes.
The oval outer ring in Shin Kong's corporate logo was inspired by the shape of a weaving shuttle. It symbolizes the company's roots in the textile industry and encourages the Shin Kong family to remember our origins, appreciate our achievements, and work together to embrace the challenges ahead.
The Chinese character inside the logo was derived from the name of Mr. Mitsusada Ogawa 小川光定, an early business benefactor of Shin Kong founder Mr. Wu Ho-Su. The character therefore not only embodies Mr. Wu's sense of gratitude for source of his fortune, but also has the meaning of "light" or "brightness" and thus symbolizes the company's prosperous development.
The fire-red color of Shin Kong's corporate identity system was inspired by the character for "fire" in the founder's name. It also connotes the fire-related Chinese words for enthusiasm, sincerity and loyalty: qualities that Shin Kong encourages among its people and embodies through a passion to serve the public and contribute to society.